Get Started With Onefinnet Talent

Hire the Top Finance & Tech Talent in the World – right at your fingertips.

Access the largest & only AI & Tech-Driven Finance / Tech Hiring Platform in the World.

Source, Market, Post, Screen & Hire the top candidates.

Trusted by Top Firms

Pricing Plans

Platform Plan



per month

Includes Hiring / Job Management, Applicant Tracking, Advanced Analytics, AI Scoring Functionality, Personalised Insights and more.


End-to-End Hiring Management: post roles, role management & Screening

Marketing: Posting on Onefinnet’s Job Board (1/Month)

Technology Platform for Candidate Communications

Insights Dashboard: Audience Outreached, Reads, Clicks & More

AI Job Description Creator

AI Skills Generator

Advanced Analytics

Inclusion in Weekly Jobs Email Digest (10K+ Audience)

Complimentary Quarterly Strategy & Branding Review

White Glove Plan

White Glove is an end to end hiring service, encompassing the expertise of a headhunter plus our proprietary AI technology.


Dedicated Headhunter for End-to-End Process Management

Marketing of Role to the Largest Talent Network in the World, and Network Effects

High-Impact Employer Branding Strategic Advisory for Each Role

Full Technology Insights for Most Effective Sourcing

Extended Referral Platform within Network

AI Analytics on Descriptions, Skills Assessment & More

Add-on features

AI Resume Screening


per credit


AI Resume Screening: Use our Proprietary AI to evaluate applicants effortlessly - get candidate scores across your important criteria in seconds

Intelligent, Human-like AI Insights: Our AI uses 20+ data points to provide human-like insights across multiple criteria for each role (Academic Background, Relevant Work Experience, Leadership, Impact, etc.)

Faster Decisioning saves 100+ Hours / Role: Whether you have 100 or 1000 applications, save 100+ of hours (per role) in screening; make confident hiring decisions, swiftly

AI Targeted Promotion


AI Targeting: Use the Onefinnet Proprietary AI to precisely target Top-Tier Audiences for Hiring & Marketing, saving $10-15K in Marketing costs

AI Send Your Role / Campaign to Top-Tier, Targeted Candidates: Send High-Impact Job Postings & Campaigns to you Top-Tier audiences

Promotion on Job Board: Promote your Role on the Job Board, reaching 5xTop-Tier Candidates